Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas morning at our home:

Emily and Sarah with their Elite Energy Cheerleading magnets.
Sarah hugging her laptop that she helped pay for.
Emily with her surprise Northface sweatshirt.
Sarah with her megaphone cheerleading necklace.

The girls opening the crosses I painted for them.

Tommy and his Siegel Stars shirt.

Tommy and the cross I painted for him.

The girls opening their gift from MaMa and PaPa.

Dad and Mom opening the cross I painted for them.

Christmas Night at Jeff, Lori, and Delaney's home:

Lori and Delaney opening gifts.

Delaney opening the cross I painted for her.

I think Jeff liked the cross I painted for him and Lori.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

For the girls, the highlight of Christmas Eve is opening their gifts from each other. Emily gave Sarah the book, The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. Sarah gave Emily a $15 Itunes gift card.

It was a quiet and relaxing day at home. We played many rounds of Blokus a new game the girls got from Count Down Santa. (I asked Emily when could I stop Count Down Santa and she told me after she graduates from High School.) I baked desserts for Christmas Day dinner at Jeff and Lori's home. The Waggoners stopped by to visit and brought goodies.

In the evening, we attended Christmas Eve service at Tuckers Crossroads United Methodist Church (the church my brother pastors) and St. Marks (our home church). Both services were beautiful. We finished the night with more rounds of Blokus. Now it is bedtime!!

Merry Christmas Eve!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Emily, Mom, Sarah, Delaney

We celebrated Mom's birthday by having everyone over to our house for a birthday meal. It was great to have everyone together and we enjoyed the company and good food.

Mom showing off her Christmas cards with pictures of the granddaughters.

Mom with her birthday cake

Monday, December 14, 2009

Marathon Baking Day

Mom and I gathered at my house and had a marathon baking day. We made 69 little loaves of Amish Friendship Bread (many different flavors) and 180 pieces of Crockpot Chocolate Peanut Clusters. It was nice to spend time together, but we were both exhausted by 3:00 p.m.

69 loaves of Amish Friendship Bread

180 pieces of Crockpot Chocolate Peanut Clusters

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sarah's Birthday Weekend

Sarah turned 13 on Friday, December 4th and celebrated by having her cousin, Delaney, over to spend the night. We enjoyed spaghetti and french bread for supper and birthday cake with ice cream for dessert.

On Saturday we made Gingerbread Houses. Believe it or not, even Tommy and I got into act. Sarah, Delaney and Emily were able to create their own masterpiece. A good but messy time was had by all!!

On Sunday, December 6th, the Elite Energy Allstars competed at CheerNation in Nashville at the Convention Center. Mom and I were there to cheer on both girls and their squads.

What a great way to end Sarah's birthday weekend, both Junior and Senior teams won 1st place. It was awesome bringing home two 1st place banners for Elite.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

JamFest - Country Jam

Sarah, Delaney and Emily

Today was the 2nd competition of the Elite Energy Allstar 2009-2010 cheer season. It was held in Nashville at the Municipal Auditorium. Mom, Dad, Jeff, Lori and Delaney were able to attend and cheer the girls on. I took a picture of the girls outside of the auditorium after the competition.

Emily's squad placed 1st and Sarah's squad placed 3rd. Just the opposite from the 1st competition. I look forward to the day when both squads place 1st!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Moody Weekend Photo Shoot

Today I asked the girls to pose for some photos. I was hoping to get a few good shots to use for Christmas greetings. They did it, but not willingly. It has just been one of those weekends. I don't know if there is something in the air, but my girls have been bouncing back between a good mood and a bad mood. They can't seem to say a nice word to each other either. I have felt like packing them up and shipping them off somewhere.


Here are a few of the better pictures from today's photo shoot. I will try another day to see if I can snap one to use for this year's Christmas greetings. Wish me luck! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Learner's Permit

Emily has had her learner's permit for at least a month now. Since receiving the "piece of plastic", Tommy has taken her driving once. I have taken her numerous times. I always thought that Tommy would be the one to teach her to drive since he is more patient. Turns out - she prefers me!! I guess Mom isn't so bad after all! :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Words I Would Say

I was driving to Lebanon on Monday (Sept. 28) to be with Dad during Mom's knee surgery. On the way, I heard this song by Sidewalk Prophets. WOW! What a great song.....this will become my theme song for my girls. It says it all!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sarah in a Million Words or Less

Sarah's mini school teachers asked parent's to write about their child in a million words or less. Below is what I wrote about Sarah.

Sarah Walker… in a Million Words or Less

Sarah is a daughter, sister, cousin, niece, grandchild, and friend.

Sarah is 12 years old and will turn 13 in December.

Sarah is the youngest in her family.

Sarah has an older sister, Emily.

Sarah is not shy. It seems that way because she is quiet at school and in groups where she doesn’t know many people.

Sarah loves to talk, but don’t worry she mainly talks at home.

Sarah’s favorite color is yellow.

Sarah is sweet, caring, and sympathetic.

Sarah has an incredible ability to reason. At times she is wise beyond her age.

Sarah enjoys reading.

Sarah is currently cheering on an all-star competitive cheerleading squad.

She will compete in her first competition in October.

Sarah has a natural athletic ability.

Sarah is a homebody and would rather be at home with the family than anywhere else.

Sarah enjoys playing card and board games.

Sarah wants to be a teacher.

Sarah’s favorite subject is math.

Sarah is just Sarah and doesn’t try to be like anyone else
(except maybe her sister, but then she comes to her senses)!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


When I'm stressed I listen to WHILE I'M WAITING by John Waller. Check it out on Youtube:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vacation - Perdido Key, Florida (Part 2)

The water was choppy today.

My beautiful daughters, Sarah and Emily

Looking for shells

Sisterly Love

Emily Katelyn (age 15)

Sarah Louise (age 12)

Tommy did something that made the girls laugh.

My sweet girls and me!

Tommy and Me

Peaceful Sunset

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vacation - Perdido Key, Florida (Part 1)

Isn't the water beautiful!

Sarah and Tommy

Emily and Tommy


Emily floating in the ocean - having fun!

Sarah working on her 1st sand castle

Sand castle #1

Sarah at the pool

Sarah, Emily and Tommy working on sand castle #2. The first one was knocked down by a cute little blonde headed boy. He had fun stepping on it.