My Mom: Loretta Louise Copeland Reynolds
Me: Tammy Renee Reynolds Walker
My Oldest Daughter: Emily Katelyn Walker
My Youngest Daughter: Sarah Louise Walker
Warming up before the game!
Checking out the opposing team or maybe she is cold......
Hanging out on the sidelines with cousin Emily
Game time - I think the girl on the left was up too late the night before!!
One of Delaney's biggest fans - cousin Sarah
Poppy coaching from the sidelines!!
A Dogwood blossom from a tree in my front yard.
This tree and my home were thankfully untouched by the tornados. In my section of the neighborhood there was no sign that a tornado had struck a 1/2 mile away. Our only problem was no electricty for 28 hours. A small price to pay considering others had lost their lives and their homes.
I will continue to pray for the healing of our town and all the lives of those touched by the tornados.