Monday, February 14, 2011

Anniversary Quilt Update

I posted in June about the quilt I would be making for Tommy's gift to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.  Now that it is only 231 days until our anniversay, I thought I better get busy.  In September, I washed and ironed all the fabric.  With all the snow days we've had over the past few months, I was able to cut all the pieces.  Today I sewed!  I have 6 blocks out of 15 complete.  Originally I hoped to have the quilt top pieced by the end of February leaving me plenty of time to hand quilt.  I will need to adjust my schedule. I plan to have the quilt top pieced by the middle of March and handquilting finished by end of August.  Wish me luck!

Four of the six blocks I made today.

All the supplies (minus quilt blocks) for the quilt.

All evidence of the quilt packed away neatly.

Would you guess there were quilt blocks
and other fabric for a quilt in this box?
I'm hoping not! 
Tommy hasn't asked any questions yet!

The quilt box back in place. 
Believe it or not he sees this everyday
and never asks what is in there.
I bet he thinks it is just an empty box!  :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine Rag Wreath

Ever since seeing this wreath online I've wanted to make one.  I decided to take the plunge and make a Valentine Wreath.  I'm thrilled with the results and have already hung it on my front door.  Plus I get to add another thing to my finished projects list.

Monday, February 7, 2011

CheerNation Nationals

In December Elite Energy attended the CheerNation Cheerleading competition in Nashville.  Emily and Sarah's squad won 1st place for Senior Level 2 AND Grand Champion for all of Level 2.  Because of this honor, all four Elite Energy Allstar squads were invited to CheerNation Nationals in Atlanta this past weekend.  There was some stiff competition but the Elite squads did a wonderful job.  I'm especially proud of the White Squad (my girls' team) for giving two very solid performances. 

Emily & Sarah with 1st Place Senior Level 2 trophy
from CheerNation Competition in December.

Elite Energy White Squad -
CheerNation Level 2 Grand Champions!!

The next few pictures were taken while at nationals in Atlanta.  Emily and Sarah have many buddies.  Below are a few of them.

Ainsley Noel, Sarah and Emily

Sydney Conklin and Emily

Sarah and Grace Lovinski