Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy 14th Birthday Sarah

Sarah turned 14 today!  She hasn't had a chance to celebrate with friends because she spent the day at the auction of her Great Aunt and Great Uncle's property.  It was a bittersweet day.  Sweet because it was our baby's 14th birthday and sad because we witnessed the selling of property of those we loved. 

After returning home from the auction, Sarah opened gifts.  I finished decorating her cake.  We enjoyed a birthday dinner at Demos' and finished the night with cake and ice cream. 

I've promised Sarah after Christmas she could have her official birthday celebartion with friends or her cousin, Delany.  If I know Sarah, she will choose to spend time with Delaney.

Happy Birthday Sarah!  We love you!

The presents

Danica Patrick T-Shirt

Perfume - Daddy's favorite :)

Posing with her cake

Making a wish. 
Wonder what she was wishing!

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