Monday, February 7, 2011

CheerNation Nationals

In December Elite Energy attended the CheerNation Cheerleading competition in Nashville.  Emily and Sarah's squad won 1st place for Senior Level 2 AND Grand Champion for all of Level 2.  Because of this honor, all four Elite Energy Allstar squads were invited to CheerNation Nationals in Atlanta this past weekend.  There was some stiff competition but the Elite squads did a wonderful job.  I'm especially proud of the White Squad (my girls' team) for giving two very solid performances. 

Emily & Sarah with 1st Place Senior Level 2 trophy
from CheerNation Competition in December.

Elite Energy White Squad -
CheerNation Level 2 Grand Champions!!

The next few pictures were taken while at nationals in Atlanta.  Emily and Sarah have many buddies.  Below are a few of them.

Ainsley Noel, Sarah and Emily

Sydney Conklin and Emily

Sarah and Grace Lovinski

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